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AutoComplete in VSCode

  • Ctrl+space

  • The arguments to a functions must be typed to avoid implicit any error.

type vs interface

Optional function arguments

  • Must come after the mandatory args.

Array types

  • Post[] or Array<Post>

Casting in TS

  • By using 'as' keyword.
  • Should not be used often.

Set generic

Map generic

Record type

Record<string, string>
// Or
  [id:string]: string;

Narrowing down Union types

Typing errors in try-catch

catch(e) {
  if (e instanceof Error) {
    return e.message;

Inheriting interface properties

  • Use extends.
  • Can extend multiple interfaces.

Combining types to create new types

  • Use & operator on interfaces.

Selectively Construct Types from Other Types

  • Use Pick<Type, Keys> or Omit<Type, Keys>.

Typing Functions

Typing Async Functions

1: Type tansformations

1.1 Inference basics

1.1.1 Get the return type of a function

  • Use ReturnType<typeof myFunc>

1.1.2 Extract Function Parameters Into A Type

  • Use Parameters<typeof myFunc>

1.1.3 Extract The Awaited Result of a Promise

  • Use Awaited<ReturnType<typeof myFunc>>

1.1.4 Create a Union Type From an Object’s Keys

  • Use keyof typeof myObj

1.2 Unions and Indexing

1.2.1 Understand The Terminology Around Unions

  • Union vs Discriminated unions vs enum

1.2.2 Extracting Members of a Discriminated Union

  • Use Extract<Type, Union>

1.2.3 Excluding Parts of a Discriminated Union

  • Use Exclude<UnionType, ExcludedMembers>

1.2.4 Resolve an Object’s Values as Literal Types

  • Use as const.
  • Can also be used for Arrays.

1.2.5 Create a UnionType From an Object's Values

  • First convert to object literal type using as 'const'
  • Use typeof myObj[keyof typeof myObj]

1.2.6 Create Unions out of Array Values

  • First convert to Array literal type using as 'const'
  • Then use typeof myArr[number] or typeof myArr[0 | 1]

1.3 Template Literals

1.3.1 Only Allow Specified String Patterns

  • Use template literals for eg. type Route = `/${string}` ;

1.3.2 Extract Union Strings Matching a Pattern

  • Use Extract with template literals.

1.3.3 Create a Union of Strings with all possible permutations of two unions

  • Use template literals to combine the unions.

Splitting a string into a tuple

  • Use ts-toolbelt library method Split<S, D> to split a string into a tuple.

Create an Object Whose Keys Are Derived From a Union

  • Use Record<UnionType, string>

Transform String Literals To Uppercase

  • Use Uppercase<>

1.4: Type helpers (Generics)

  • Generics are similar to functions in value world.

1.4.1 Creating a Maybe Type Helper

1.4.2 Ensure Type Safety in a Type Helper