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Tesing in JS
- Authors
- Name
- Saurabh Prakash
- @saurabhp75
Manual Vs automated testing
Types of test
- Unit test: testing individual building blocks of code in isolation. There are hundreds of unit tests. Most important.
- Integration test: test combination of multiple building blocks of code. These tests are smaller in number.
- End to end test: test complete scenario in the app as user experience them. Project typically contains only a few e2e tests.
We should test success and error cases.
- Used to run unit test.
React testing library
Used to render/simulate the react components.
Both the above tools are installed by create react app.
For each component create a xxx.test.js file.
Run npm test.
test('description', () => {
// Test
Test suite Vs test
describe("test group description", ()=>{
The three As of testing
- Arrange
- Act
- Assert