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Saurabh Prakash

Full Stack Developer
IIT Delhi

TL;DR: I am M. Tech(Computer Technology) from IIT Delhi. I have an extensive experience of 24+ years in software development in various domains. I have worked for C-DOT, Ciena, HCL, Wipro and Matter in various capacities.


LanguagesJavascript/ES6, Typescript, Python, Kotlin, C, C++.
Web RelatedReact, Nextjs, TailwindCSS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Prisma, Postgresql, MongoDB, Mongoose, GraphQL, REST APIs, Scrapy, Flask, Django, Oauth, GitHub, Jekyll, GitHub-Pages, Bootstrap 4, jQuery, AWS, GCP, Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, Pythonanywhere.
VisualizationD3.js, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Dash (by plotly), Plotly.
Python GISGeopandas, Shapely, Fiona
Machine LearningLinear Regression, K Nearest Neighbors, Logistic Regression, SVMs, Neural Networks, Decision Trees, Random Forest. K-Means Clustering, PCA, t-SNE, Anomaly Detection, Recommender Systems.
Deep LearningCNNs (LeNet-5, AlexNet, VGG-16, ResNets, Inception, Yolov2, Deepface, FaceNet) RNNs (GRU, LSTM), Transfer Learning.
NLPBag of Words, TF-IDF, Word embeddings, Glove, Sentiment Analysis, Word2Vec Model, Beam Search, Bleu Score, Attention Models, Trigger word detection.
ML Tools/libsAnaconda-Jupyter, Scikit-Learn, Numpy, Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, xgboost, Vowpal Wabbit
MathematicsDescriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Probability, Z-Test, Student T-test, Chi-Squared Test, Hypothesis Testing, A/B Testing, Bayesian Analysis.

Online Certifications/Courses:

  1. Machine learning course from ODSC: Secured 16th rank among 200 candidates.

  2. Data Science in Python from Datacamp

  3. Deep Learning specialization from Coursera

  4. Docker & Kubernetes course

  5. Web developer bootcamp

  6. GraphQL Associate