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- Authors
- Name
- Saurabh Prakash
- @saurabhp75
Enterprise authentication solution
SAML protocol
: Single sign on(SSO) across sites.
Legacy authentication solution
Simple login
: Forms and cookes.
What problem does Oauth2 address
- Delegated authorization problem.
Oauth2 flow
- Click on login with Gmail.
- Redirected to accounts.google.com and prompted to login.
- After logging in, prompt the user if they want to share public profile and contacts with Yelp?
- If user clicks Yes, then he is redirected back to application, at a specific place called 'redirect uri'.
Oauth2 terminology
Resource owner
: The user clicking yes at prompt.Client
: The application for eg. Yelp.Authorization server
: System which user uses to say Yes, for eg. accounts.google.comResource server
: The API or resources which the client want access to. For eg Google contacts API.Authorization grant
: Proves that resource owner/user has clicked yes.Redirect Uri/callback
: Auth flow goes here when "user" clicks yes.Access token
: Used by client to get access to resource server.Scope
: Authorization server has a list of scopes for eg contact-read, contact-write, profile-read etc.Consent
Network security terminology:
Back channel
: Highly secure channel, for eg. from a backend server to resource server. The secret key/application id/ access token is never known to and sent from the front channel.Front channel
: Less secure channel, for eg. browser. We cannot put a key in html or javascript of the web app as anyone can view the source. It is used to interact with the user or resource owner.
Oauth2 Flows
Oauth2 authorization code Flow
is used to prevent CSRF.- The client registers with authorization server and gets
client ID
andclient secret
which are later used in front and back channel communication respectively. It also has to specifyredirect URI/Callback
Starting the Oauth2 authorization code flow
Calling back
Exchange the code for access token
Access token from server
Use the access token
Identity use cases Pre 2014
Problems with Oauth2 Authentication
- Oauth2 was primarily designed for authorization. As there is no standard way of getting user's information.
- No standard way to get user's information.
- Every implementation is little different.
- No common set of scopes.
What OpenID connect adds
- ID token.
- UsertInfo endpoint for getting more user information.
- Standard set of scopes.
- Standardized implementation.
Identity use cases today (with openID)
OpenID stack
Oauth2 vs OpenID
OpenID connect authorization code flow
Starting OIDC flow
Exchange code for access token and ID token
Auth server returns access and ID tokens
ID token (aka JWT) in OpenID
ID token in code/json
ID Token(JWT) in debugger
Calling user info endpoint
Oauth2 Implicit flow
Which authorization grant type (flow) to use
Server flow example
Mobile flow example
Authorization code with PKCE part1
Authorization code with PKCE part2
Implicit Flow example
Oauth discovery
Third party(SAML) integration example
Token validation
Local validation
: The fast way.- Check expiration timestamp.
- Validate cryptographic signature.
: The strong way.
Keeping user signed in
For both local validation and introspection, the token is invalid once it expires
- If there is user at keyboard, just redirect him to authorization server.
- If there is no user(automated tasks), request a refresh token(offline scope).
Note: Using okta
you can spin your own authorization server in the cloud.