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ES modules in NodeJS

ES modules in NodeJS

package.json package-lock.json

  • Syntax of package.json.
  • package.json contains more than just depenedencies. It has project properties like author, description, scripts etc.
  • package.json conatins the minimum version number which is compatible.
  • package-lock.json contains just the depenedencies. It has exact version number.
  • Difference between tilde (~) and caret (^) in package.json.
  • ^: Install the latest minor version. ^1.x.x will match with 1.3.0 but not 2.0.0.
  • ~: Install the latest patch version. ~1.2.3 will match all 1.2.x versions but it will not match 1.3.0 or 1.3.x versions.


  • PUT vs PATCH: PUT replaces the representation whereas PATCH updates patially.


  • Difference between SQL and NoSQL dbs.
  • Various types of NoSQL dbs.


It is a runtime base on google chrome v8 engine.

Node process and argv

  • process is a built in module.
  • process is a global object which gives access to process related features for eg. process.cwd().
  • process.argv: gives an array of command line arguments when node.js process was launched.

Node file system module

  • fs module: use to work with file system.
  • fs is not built in and has to be included using require('fs').

Node and npm

  • require() and module.exports =
  • requiring a directory: Node look for index.js file in a directory and get exports from it.
  • You can instal packages using npm i package name.
  • The package is installed in node_modules folder under the current directory.
  • package-lock.json: Conent of the node_modules directory. Don't touch it.

npm, local vs global package installation

  • npm installs packages in local folder by default.
  • To install a package globall, use npm i -g packagename.
  • To require global packages in your JS file. Do npm link packagename.

package.json file

  • Contains metadata and dependencies about a package.
  • It is created using npm init. shortcut is npm init -y.
  • Whenever we install a package usig npm i, it is added as dependency in package.json.
  • In older versions of npm we had to do npm i --save to include package in package.json.
  • When we share our package, we don't share node_modules folder, but package.json.
  • Whe some use npm install, it will install all packages in the package.json file.

Update nodejs using nvm (node version manager)

  1. Install nvm.
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
  1. Activate env variables, you can also open new terminal.
$ source ~/.bashrc
  1. Find available node versions
$ nvm ls-remote
  1. Install required node verison. You can install multiple node versions.
$ nvm install v10.16.2
  1. To set default node version.
$ nvm use v10.16.2
  1. Run Applition with Specific Version
$ nvm run v10.16.2 app.js
  1. Remove unused node version
$ nvm uninstall v10.16.2


  • It is a module which installs modules from npm repository.
  • To install a package globally do npm i packageName -g.
  • Normally packages are installed locally so that package stay on latest version.
  • Build process will create a JS bundle which will be sent to browsers in production.
  • Build process: Bundling + transpiling & polyfilling
  • Bundling: Combine all files into one, compress the file and eliminate unused code.
  • Transpiling & polyfilling: Convert modern JS into ES5 so that older browsers can also work. Babel is used for this.
  • Build process tools: Webpack and parcel.


  • It is a bundler just like webpack but need less configuration.
  • npx parcel index.html
  • It creates dist folder which contains the bundled JS files.
  • Hot module replacement. No need to reload page when the module code changes.
  • Parcel inject the newly built module which reloading the page.
  if(module.hot) {

Invoking parcel using npm scripts

  • Under scripts in package.json
  • "start": "parcel index.html"
  • Then do npm run start.
  • "build": parcel build index.html
  • Then do npm run build.
  • The resulting code under dist folder from build command is ready for production can be shipped.

Using babel

  • Parcel use babel by default.
  • To polyfill using babel use import 'core-js/stable'

Modern JS development

  • Organize code in modules.
  • Third party modules can be installed using npm.

Module in JS

  • ES6 has built in support for modules.
  • There is only one module per file.
  • Top level variables are scoped to the module.
  • Modules are executed in strict mode by default, whereas in JS script it is not the case.
  • this is undefined in module, whereas in JS script it is window object.
  • In modules we can import and export variables .
  • Import and export should be done at top level, outside of any block.
  • Imports are hoisted.
  • HTML linking: Use < script type="module" > for modules. They are loaded in async way by default.
  • Modules are executed when imported.

Named exports

  • Should have same name in the import statement.
  • We can change the name for eg. import { totalPrice as price } from './shoppingCart'.
  • We can also change the name while exporting, for eg. export {totalPrice as price} and then import price from....
  • Should be enclosed in curly braces in the import statement.
  • We can export multiple variables by using curly braces for eg. export {cartObject, price}.
  • import * as shoppingCart from ... This will import vartiables under a namespace.

Default exports

  • Normally used when we want to export only one variable from the module.
  • We don't need curly braces.
  • For eg. export default function() {}.

Module pattern and CommnJS modules

- export.addToCart = function() {}
- const { addToCart } = require('./shoppingCart.js')

Polyfilling using Babel

  • Let and arrow functions can be transpiled to var and normal function but promise need to be polyfilled.
  • Babel uses core-js/stable for polyfilling. Install and import core-js/stable.
  • regenerator-runtime/runtime install and import for polyfilling async functions.