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- Authors
- Name
- Saurabh Prakash
- @saurabhp75
Server side sessions
: store some unique identifier and also send it to the client/browser. Works well if front end and back end are tightly coupled ie one server. But if there are different servers for front end/SPA and API, this approach doesn't work.Authenticated tokens
: server creates and send a token to the client, but doesn't store it. Server can verify the the token received from the client in subsequent request from its private key.
Server side rendering:
- The page is rendered at server side.
- In a normal react app, the server sends an empty html page with root div into which the react components are rendered at the client side.
- Server side rendering is good for SEO and first time page load.
- In nextjs are later interaction will be handled by react in the browser.
Nextjs features:
- Built-in server side rendering..
- File based routing: define pages and routes with files and folders instead of code.
- build fullstack apps: we can add back end code.
Creating nextjs app
- npx create-react-app.
- Run dev server using
npm run dev
npm run build
to generate code for production/deployment.- Even for an SPA, nextjs prerenders the page on receiving request from browser and sends it. In a pure react app the index.html file is almost blank and rendering is done at client side.
folder is most important, where we write most of the code.Public
folder contains public visible resources like images etc.Style
folder contains the CSS files.
Alternative way to keep files for routing
- pages/news.js
- pages/news/index.js
Nested paths are created using subfolder under pages folder.
Creating dynamic pages
, use square brackets.Folder names can also have square brackets.
import {useRouter} from 'next/router'
to extract parameter from the dynamic path/file.
const route=useRouter();
Linking between pages
- Don't use anchor tags as they will send a new request to the server and reload the page. This way we lose all the state is redux state or context state.
- Instead import Link from 'next/link'
_app.js file and layouts
- _app.js contains the root component, MyApp, which can be used to set layout of all the pages in the next.js application.
Programmatic navigation
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
const route=useRouter();
Note: react hydrates the webpage with data/components. The browser show source may contain minimal html.
Data fetching for static pages
- Nextjs gives us two forms of perendering.
- static generation: page is rendered at the build time. This is the default.
- server side rendering:
- getStaticProps(): used only in page components, under pages folder. This is called before the component function is executed. The code in this function always executed on the server side. It returns a props object, which is passed to component function.
- revalidate: generate the page after a fixed no. of seconds if there is a request for this page.
- getServerSideProps(): the code in this function runs on the server after deployment.
When to use getServerSideProps ()
- If we need access to request object and.
- If the page content changes frequently.
Static site generation
- getStaticPaths(): it's used when using a page which is Dynamic and we are using getStaticProps() in it. This is used to generate all possible pages at build time, which a user might visit.
- fallback: need to define it true or false depending upon whether we are generating all possible pages or not.
Adding API routes to nextjs application
- Create a folder API under paths folder.
Adding head metadata in nextjs:
import Head from 'next/head'
Then add info in head of the html page.
Deploying nextjs application
- Use vercel.