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Intro to Gradle
- Authors
- Name
- Saurabh Prakash
- @saurabhp75
- Gradle is open source build tool and uses groovy or kotlin DSL.
- Project and tasks in gradle.
- Gradle build contain one or more projects.
- Project might represent a library, jar or, web application.
- Project might represent a distribution zip assembled from jars produced by other projects.
- Project might be deploying your applications to staging or production environment.
- Project contain one or more tasks. Task is atomic piece of work a build performs.
Gradle tasks
- Task could be compiling some classes.
- Creating a jar.
- Generating javadoc.
- Publishing some archives(jar) to repository.
- What is ". gradle" folder?
- It is local repo and contains jar files downloaded for the project.
list default tasks in gradle:
$ gradle tasks
Creating a custom task in gradle (using groovy):
In build.gradle
file add following lines:
task myCustomTask {
group "Custom"
description "This is a custom task"
doLast {
println "Executing custom task"
conditional execution of tasks:
myCustomTask.onlyIf {
To run it from command line:
$ gradle myCustomTask -P doOperation
Project dependencies Vs external dependencies. Eclipse plugin.
Custom gradle task.
Running custom tasks.
gradle customTaskName.
Copy tasks in gradle.
Types : copy, zip, javadoc etc.
doFirst block
doLast block
How to skip tasks in gradle.
Task dependencies in gradle:
task doSomeOperation1 {
group "MyCustomTasks"
println "This is operation 1"
task doSomeOperation2(dependsOn: 'doSomeOperation1') {
group "MyCustomTasks"
println "This is opeartion 2"
How to create zip file using custom gradle task?