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Library vs framework

  • On library you have the control.
  • In framework the control is inverted. The control is with framework.
  • Framework tells where to put the code.

Planning a Web project

  • User stories: Who(user), what(action) and why(benefit).
  • Features/flowcharts:
  • Architecture:
  • Implementation:


  • Web dev framework, unopinionated, minimal framework.
  • Starts up a server to listen for requests.
  • working with Query string: Parse incoming request using req.parse() to parse query string.
  • App.use(): Handles all paths. use to add middleware.
  • *: This route Catch all request
  • Working with Params: parsing the variable path using req.params()
  • Nodemon: No need to rstart nodejs server when any file changes. Just refresh the page.
  • Handling assets in express: app.use(express.static('public')).
  • ejs partials: Include html/ejs files
  • ejs: use <%= %> to add escaped html and <% %> to add JS code. Use <%- %> to add unescaped HTML.

Get vs Post request

  • get is used to retrieve info

  • data is sent via query string (a string starting with ? and params seperated by &)

  • Info is plainly visible in url.

  • limited amount of data can be sent.

  • post is used to post data to the server.

  • used to write/create/update.

  • data is sent via request body and not query string.

  • can send any sort of data (json).

Passing variabler to ejs template

  • res.render('template-name', {key[: value]})

Handling variable paths

  • Use :variable in the route.
  • Use request.params to extract the variable.

Handling get request from forms in express

  • Extract query params usring req.query property.

Handling post request from forms in express

  • Handling post request: Use req.body() to retrieve data. also include the middleware.
  • Use middleware: app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }))

Handling posting of json data

  • Handling post request: Use req.body() to retrieve data. also include the middleware.
  • Use middleware: app.use(express.json()) // for parsing application/json

Enable PUT and PATCH verbs in the forms

  • Install method-override using npm.


  • res.redirect('/comments').

What is REST

  • Representational state transfer.
  • Set of guidlines for client server communication.
  • We need this guidline to create restful routes.
  • Path/route is based on resource (on the server).
  1. Client–server architecture
  2. Statelessness: no session information is retained by the server. Every http reuest is independent.
  3. Cacheability: clients and internediaries can cache data. Response should contain info if it is cachable or not.
  4. Layered system: There can be proxies and load balancers between client and server. They are not visible to client.
  5. Code on demand (Optional): Client side scripts, server can transfer executable scripts to the clients.
  6. Uniform interface

RESTFul routes

Display all commentsGET/comments
Display details of a commentsGET/comments/:id
Add a commentPOST/comments
Form to add new commentGET/comments/new
Update a commentPUT/PATCH/comments/:id
Form to update a commentGET/comments/:id/edit
Delete a commentDELETE/comments/:id

Mongo DB


  • Binary JSON.
  • Faster than JSON.
  • Support more data types.

Inserting into mongo db

  • A db contains many colections.
  • Entry in the collection need not follow any schema.
  • We insert data into collections.
  • Inserting into a non existent collection will create it.
  1. db.collection.insertOne(): Inserts a single document into a collection.
  2. db.collection.insertMany(): inserts multiple documents into a collection.
  3. db.collection.insert(): inserts a single document or multiple documents into a collection.
  • Create a new db: use dbname create if not already existing.

  • Show dbs: show dbs

  • Show current db: db

  • Show collections: show collections

  • Show items in collection: db.collectionName.find()

Quering mongo db

  • db.collection.find({breed: "Corgy"})
  • db.collection.findOne({breed: "Corgy"})
  • find returns a cursor whereas findOne returns actual item.

Updating mongodb

  • Consist of two steps, first find and then update.

  • db.collection.updateOne(): Updates at most a single document that match a specified filter even though multiple documents may match the specified filter.

  • db.collection.updateMany(): Update all documents that match a specified filter.

  • db.collection.replaceOne(): Replaces at most a single document that match a specified filter even though multiple documents may match the specified filter.

      { "name" : "Central Perk Cafe" },
      { $set: { "violations" : 3 } }

Deleting in mongo db

  • db.collection.deleteOne(): Delete at most a single document that match a specified filter even though multiple documents may match the specified filter.
  • db.collection.deleteMany(): Delete all documents that match a specified filter.
  • db.collection.remove(): Delete a single document or all documents that match a specified filter.
 db.orders.deleteOne( { "_id" : ObjectId("563237a41a4d68582c2509da") } );

delete everything in a collection

  • db.dogs.deleteMany({}) : Delete everything from dogs collection.

Additional mongo operators

  • gt, lt, in, nin, ne.


  • It is ODM (object database mapper).
  • The classes represents a collection.
  • Mongoose provides methods for the model class object, once it is created.
  • First create a schema, then define a model.

Mongoose model operations

  • InsertMany().then()
  • find().then()
  • findById().then()
  • updateOne().then()
  • updateMany()
  • update() : If we want the updated document back, we should use the one starting with find
  • findOneAndUpdate().then()
  • findByIdAndUpdate().then()
  • remove() : If we want the updated document back, we should use the one starting with find
  • findOneAndDelete()
  • findByIdAndDelete()

Creating mongoose schema

  • validators and options in schema.
  • Validators don't run by default when updating, need to be enabled manually.

Mongoose instance methods

  • productSchema.methods.addCategory() = function ()
  • Used to add additional functionality to update a document in the collection.

Mongoose static methods

  • productSchema.statics.fireSale() = function ()
  • Used to update entire collection in one go

Mongoose virtuals

  • Gives ability to add properties to schema, they don't exist in db though.
  • The properties are derived from the info in db.
  • for eg. full name from first and last name.
  • personSchema.irtual.('fullName').get(function ()).
  • Can also be used to set/update the db.

Mongoose middleware

  • Ability to run some code before or after a db operation.
  • For eg if we remove a user, we also need to delete his posts.
  • pre/post save/validate/remove/update etc.
  • They are added to schema object.

express middleware

  • next vs send/render

protecting a specific route

Data validation library Joi.js

mongodb relations

  • one to few: embed actual data.
  • one to many: keep reference n child in an array, then populate. use push to add to array in parent
  • one to bazilions: keep reference in child, then populate. Assign to field in the child.
  • When deleting an item in related collections we need to also delete the related items.

ejs tool (ejs-mate)

handling errors in express

  • For synchronous route handlers just throw an error.
  • This error will be caught by our custom error handler app.use(err, req, res, next).
  • For Async route handlers put the error object in the next() call.
  • This error will be caught by our custom error handler app.use(err, req, res, next).
  • This is because if we pass anythin as argument to next(), then the error handler is trigerred.
  • For handling mongoose errors, put them in try catch and put a next(err) in the catch block.

Mongoose middleware

  • These are functions we can run before or after an db operation.
  • Qery vs document middlewarte: this refers to query or document.

Express router

  • Used to group/organize express app.
  • Routes can be grouped by prefix.
  • They can have their own middleware.

HTTP/Web Cookies

  • Enable HTTP request to have some state using client side data store.
  • They can be used for session management, personalization, tracking.
  • Sent by server to the browser/client, when they visit a webpage.
  • The client then send these cookies in later interatcions on the website.
  • Cookies are key value pair.
  • Need to install Express module cookie-parser.
  • res.cookie, req.cookies, req.signedCookies.
  • Signing cookies: Used to prevent tampering the cookies at the client side.
  • cookie size and number limited.

HTTP sessions

  • Attempt to make HTTP sateful by server side data store.
  • It's not stored in db but something like Redis, a short term storage.
  • Need to install expression-session package.
  • This make available req.session.


  • Need to install connect-flash package.
  • Used when we want to flash something to user for one time.
  • This is generally done when logging in, or when user does something.
  • It depends upon express-session.
  • req.flash(key:value/message)


Authentication vs authoriation

  • Authentication: Indentify. Finding out who the person is. They are who they say they are. Who is this person.

  • Authorization: Verifying what a user has access to. Generally happens after authentication. What this person can and cannot do.

  • Never store password in plaintext.

  • Store hashed password only. Use a hashing function.

  • Password salt: Salt is random value added to the password before we salt it. it helps ensure unique hashes and mitigate common attacks.

  • bcrypt: hashing algo frequently used. based on blowfish.


  • It maps the input data of arbitrary size to fixed size output values.
  • We can never get the input data from the hash values(output of hash)
  • Plaintext password entered by the user is compared with stored hash value.

MVC pattern

  • Model view controller.

Submitting image file via form

  • Use enc type multi-part/form data instead of url-encoded in the form attribute.
  • Use multer package to send files in form.
  • Use multer-sorage-cloudinary to store the files in the cloud.
  • cloudinary: serice to store the files.
  • files are stored in req.file(s) object and normal form fields in req.body object.


  • Install @mapbox/mapbox-sdk.


  • Mongo injection/ sql injection: Putting sql in the text input.
  • express-mongo-sanitize package: remove dollar and period characters from user input.
  • XSS cross site scripting: Inject client side script to someone's web page.
  • Install helmet package. It manipulates the response headers for security.

Storing API keys and secret info in the app

  • Use dotenv package.

Deploying express app on Heroku

  1. Heroku login.
  2. Git status → git init.
  3. Git add filename.
  4. Git commit -m “commmit message”
  5. Heroku login.
  6. Heroku create.
  7. Git remote -v.
  8. git push heroku master.
  9. Heroku logs (shows logs for app in current dir)
  10. we can run any command (ls, npm etc) using.
$Heroku run bash-command


To connect using the mongo shell:

$ mongo ds135003.mlab.com:35003/yelpcampsp -u <dbuser> -p <dbpassword>

Heroku password : S******3!

To connect using a driver via the standard MongoDB URI:

mongodb: app.listen(process.env.PORT, process.env.IP)

App deployed here