- Published on
- Authors
- Name
- Saurabh Prakash
- @saurabhp75
What is Bitcoin
- A system to allow peer to peer payments without a financial inermediary for eg. bank.
What is Ethereum
- Smart contract and decentralized application platform, not just to transfer money.
- Need for more programatic control of transactions.
- Enable creation of decentralized autonomous corporations (DAC).
- Introduced idea of smart contracts as an entity that can send and recieve currency, beyond just humans.
- Ethereum networks are used to transfer money and store data.
- Ethereum networks is a collection of nodes running Ethereum client.
- Anyone can run a node.
- Each node contains full copy of the blockchain.
- Blockchain is a database that stores a record of every transaction that has ever taken place.
Interaction with Ethereum Blockchain
: web3.jsNon programmatic
: Metamask (Browser extension)
Chrome plugin for metamask
Metamask account contents
- Metamask account can be used to interact with any network/blockchain. No need to create seperate accounts.
Account Address
: Similar to an email address/username.Public key
Private key
: Never share this with anyone, this gives access to funds in the account.
One metamask account can interact with multiple Ethereum Blockchain/network like main net and test net.
Ethereum test networks
: Get free Ethers fromrinkeby-faucet.com
Ethereum transaction object
- Describes transfer of funds from one account to another.
- Created using web3js library.
- Multiple transaction objects are contained in a block.
Contents of Ethereum transaction object
Transaction object
: A record which describes one account attempting to send money to other account.- It is created when two accounts exchange money.
- v,r,s cannot be used to generate the senders priate key.
Keyword | description |
nonce | How many times the sender has sent a transaction (in lifetime) |
to | Address of the account this money is going to |
value | Amount of Wei to be sent to target address (or contract) |
gasPrice | Amount of Wei sender is willing to pay per unit gas to get this transaction processed |
startGas/gasLimit | Units of gas this transaction can consume |
v | Cryptographic piece of data that can be used |
r | to generate the sender's account address |
s | generated from the sender's private key |
Sequence of transferring funds to another account on Blockchain:
- Web3js at client side sends transaction object to a node in Blockchain.
- The node consolidates all received transaction objects into a block.
- Then the node validates the block(mining) and confirms back to the client.
- The validation takes time.
Hashing fundamentals
- Hash of a content is unique. Change in content will change the hash.
- The content cannot be retrieved from the hash.
Generic Blockchain fundamentals
- When a new block is added to the blockchain the nonce filled is set such that hash field start with 4 zeros.
- The process of finding suitable nonce is called mining.
- Modifying any block will invalidate all later blocks as their previous and hash field will change and will not be a valid hash.
- So if we change any block that we have to mine (find new nonce) all the later blocks.
- Even if we mine all later blocks on a node, we can figure out tampering by matching the last block with other nodes in the network.
- Mining (finding nonce) is done by all network nodes, as soon as any node finds a solution, it distributes it across network.
Contents of generic blockchain
Field | description |
Block no. | Block no. in the blockchain |
Nonce | A number such that the hash starts with 4 zeros |
data | Some data (Token/transactions) |
Prev | Hash of previous block |
Hash | The hash of above four fields |
Ethereum specific blockchain
- The nonce is set such that the hash value is less than some target value (instead of 4 leading zeros).
- Target target value is adjusted to change block time as computing power in the chain varies due to no. of active nodes in the chain.
- The time to find a suitable nonce is called block time. This has to be shared with other nodes on the chain to keep them updated.
- The confirmation time by a blockchain is mining time plus the distribution time.
- Ethereum has a target block time of 15 seconds.
- After every blocked is mined, the network calculates how long it took and adjust the target value of hash to meet Ethereum block time of 15 seconds.
- If the time taken is large the target value of hash is raised to reduce block mining time.
- If the time taken is less the target value of hash is reduced to increase block mining time.
- The mining time changes over time as number of active nodes at any given time changes.
Link to see block time of Ethereum blockchain https://etherscan.io/chart/blocktime Shows Averagre amount of time taken to calculate the blocks in the Ethereum chain.
Smart contracts to build interesting apps (Dapps) on the network
- Smart contract is an account controlled by the code.
Contract account contents/fields
: Amount of ether the account owns.Storage
: Data storage for this contract.Code
: Raw machine code for this contract. It is writen inSolidity
External Account
- Decoupled from any individual network.
- Created by humans or an entity.
Contract account
- Specific to one individual network/Chain.
- It is an instance of a contract which is created by compiling a source file.
- Multiple instance of contract from same source file can be deployed on a single network.
External account to create contract transaction (revisit)
Solidity language
- Written in
files. - Strongly typed.
- Similar to JS.
- Has lot of gotchas.
Smart contract
- Code is written in Solidity language.
- Solidity compiler processes the code and churns out byte code and ABI.
- byte code is deployed on the block chain.
- ABI is used by javascript applications to interact with the smart contract/byte code.
IDE for Solidity (Remix) https://remix.ethereum.org/
Remix editor:
Latest solidity version
: 0.8.5Practical on solidity version
: 04.17.
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
contract Inbox {
string public message;
function Inbox(string initialMessage) public {
message = initialMessage;
function setMessage(string newMessage) public {
message = newMessage;
function getMessage() public view returns (string) {
return message;
Common function types
Keyword | description |
Public | Anyone with Ethereum account can call this function |
Private | Only this contract can call this function |
View | This function returns data & does not modify the contract's data |
Constant | This function returns data & does not modify the contract's data |
Pure | This function will not modify and even read the contracts's data |
Payable | When someone call this function they might send Ether along |
- See other function types in Solidity.
is used for function marked as view or constant.
Remix IDE
- When you deploy contract using remix ide, it is deployed on the in browser fake network.
- Remix ide host a tiny fake Ethereum network in a javascript VM.
- The instance of the contract is deployed on the fake network.
- The code is compiled into a bytecode and then deployed to the fake network.
- When a storage variable is define as public within a contract, the contract deifnes a function with same name as the variable.
- Calling the above function will return the value of the variable.
- Creating a contract is very similar to a fund transfer transaction.
- The
field is left as blank. - An external account creates a contract by sending transaction object (See below).
- It is very similar to the transaction object to transfer funds, except the
field which is blank anddata
field which contains bytecode. - Running a transaction on remix doesn't take time but on test net and main net (public network) it will take time.
External account to create contract transaction
Keyword | description |
nonce | How many times the sender has sent a transaction |
to | - (left blank) |
data | Compiled bytecode of the contract |
value | Amount of Wei to be sent to target address (or contract) |
gasPrice | Amount of Wei sender is willing to pay per unit gas to get this transaction processed |
startGas/gasLimit | Units of gas this transaction can consume |
v | Cryptographic piece of data that can be used |
r | to generate the sender's account address |
s | generated from the sender's private key |
Ways to run a contract function
First Way | Second way |
Calling a function | Sending a transaction to a function |
Cannot modify contract's data | Can modify contract's data |
Can return data | returns the transaction hash |
Runs instantly | Takes time to execute |
Free to do | costs money |
Gas and Wei
- We pay gas fee to the nodes running our transactions on blockchain.
- Running a transaction involves modifying and storing data and running the code, which incurrs gas (cost).
- The gas price is paid by the one who is creating a transaction, ie the user of Dapp.
- 1 Ether is equal to 1e+18 wei.
- To see gas price search for EIP-150.
Mnemonic and ethereum accounts
- Using mnemonic we can create and manage multiple account and need not remember details of each account.
- We only need to remember the 12 word mnemonic.
- If you have to work with new mnemonic to manage new group of accounts then you have to remove and install metamask.
To get free Ether from faucet
- One stop shop for development of ethereum contracts.
- Contract creation.
- Local testing.
- Deployment.
- Still in early developmet so features may not work.
Boilerplate design
Issue | Solution |
Need to be able to write solidity code in JS project | Setup solidity compiler to build our contracts |
Need some way to quickly test contracts without manual testing we were doing in remix editor | Setup custom mocha test runner that can somehow test solidity code |
Need someway to deploy our contract to public networks | Setup compile script to compile and deploy our comtract |
- A library which can be used to install small test Ethereum network.
- Earlier it was called TestRPC.
- Automatically creates accounts for us to use.
- Accounts are created in unlocked state, so we don't need private/public keys.
Web3 versions
- Web3 versions
. - Starting with 0, only has callbacks to support async code.
- Starting with 1, has support for promise and async/await to support async code.
Web3 providers
- Using Web3 library, we create instance(s) of Web3 library.
- Each instance can interact with a single Ethereum network.
- Web3 instance needs a provider to interact with Ethereum network.
acts as a communication layer between Web3 instace and the ethereum network.- Provider provides the functions to send and receive request to/from an Ethereum netwrok.
Deploying to local Ganache network
- It is a testing framework.
- following are the functions supported in Mocha
Function | Purpose |
it | Run a test and make an assertion |
describe | Groups together it functions |
beforeEach | Executes some general setup code |
Creating contract on Ethereum network
-To create a contract an external account makes a transaction with the Ethereum network.
- In such transaction, the
field is empty. data
field contain the compiled bytecode of the contract.- value field contain the amount of Wei to be sent to target address??
Information needed by web3 to deploy a contract and communicate with an already deployed contract.
Deploying the contract to "real" test network
- Use infura.
- Infura is an API which provides access to node installed on rinkeby network.
- Infura is an alternative to installing a Rinkeby node locally, which is complicated.
- diagram of interfaces with the test nw.
- This npm package gives a provider for communication between web3 nd rinkeby nw and also unlock an account to deploy the contract.
Interacting with deployed contract without a front-end
- Use Remix online editor with injected web3.
Basic Solidity types
: Sequence of characters.bool
: true/falseint
: Interger, positive or negative.Has no decimal. int8, int16, int32..int256(default), no of bits used to store a number.uint
: Unsigned integer,positive number. has no decimal. uint8, uint16, uint32..uint256(default).fixed/ufixed
: "Fixed" point number. Number with a decimal after it.adrress
: Has methods tied to it for sending money.- There are other types like an Array or a mapping.
msg global variable
- Available when any account does a transaction or call a function on the Ethereum nw.
Property Name | Description |
msg.data | Data field from the call or transaction thatinvoked the current function. |
msg.gas | Amount of gas the current function invocation has available . |
msg.sender | Address of the account that started the current function invocation. |
msg.value | Amount of Wei that was sent along with the function invocation. |
Reference types in Solidity
Fixed Array
Dynamic array
Note: For a public array the automatically generated method expects an index of the element you want to retrieve.
Solidity gotcha
nested arrays can't be communicated between solidity and js/web3/abi world.
since strings in solidity are internally stored as dynamic arrays, the above limitation holds for array of strings.
Note: payable function type is used when the user wants to send ether.
Global function
: it's a validation function. If it fails, further execution is suspended.
this.balance: amount of money in the contract.
address type has transfer method on it to transfer eth to the address.
Function modifier
- Can be used to restrict access to function using require().
- Ends with _;
- then use the function name as a modifier for other function.
- Behind the scenes, solidity compiler places the code of modified function at underscore.
For eg.
modifier restricted (){
Web3 utility methods
- web3.eth.getBalance(accountAddress): Get the balance amount in an address/wallet.
- web3.ethtoWei("0.1", "eth"): Convert 0.1 eth to Wei.
Building Dapp
- Metamask injects web3 library in the active page when it is running in the browser.
- Metamask uses old version of web3 library, so our app need to highjack the provider of metamask which provides connectivity with the nw and also holds the account information.
- The Dapp needs the interface (obtained from compilation) to the contract and the address of the deployed contract.
- The dapp interacts with local contracts intance created using web3.
- When calling contract methods from the Dapp, we don't specify
parameter as it is already defined in theprovider
provided by metamask. - When sending a transaction from the Dapp, we have to specify the
export default new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address)??
Rendering contract data in a component
- Component renders.
- componentDidMount called.
- "call" methods on the contract.
- set data on "state".