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Linear Algebra


Vector Multiplication

c = a × b
c = (a1b1, a2b2, a3b3)
c = a * b

Vector Division

c = a/b
c = (a1/b1, a2/b2, a3/b3)
c = a/b

Vector Dot Product

c = a · b
c = (a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3)
c = a.dot(b)

Vector-Scalar Multiplication

c = s * a

Vector Norms

Vector L1 Norm

||v|| 1 = |a1| + |a2| + |a3|
l1 = norm(a, 1)

Vector L2 Norm

l2 = norm(a)

Vector Max Norm

The length of a vector can be calculated using the maximum norm, also called max norm

maxnorm = norm(a, inf)

Matrix Multiplication (Hadamard Product)

C = A * B

Matrix-Matrix Multiplication (aka matrix dot product)

C = A.dot(B)
# multiply matrices with @ operator
D = A @ B

Matrix-Vector Multiplication

C = A.dot(B)

Square Matrix

Symmetric Matrix

type of square matrix where the top-right triangle is the same as the bottom-left triangle. A symmetric matrix is always square and equal to its own transpose.

Triangular Matrix

type of square matrix that has all values in the upper-right or lower-left of the matrix with the remaining elements filled with zero values.

lower = tril(M)
# upper triangular matrix
upper = triu(M)

Diagonal Matrix

A diagonal matrix is one where values outside of the main diagonal have a zero value, where the main diagonal is taken from the top left of the matrix to the bottom right.

# extract diagonal vector
d = diag(M)
# create diagonal matrix from vector
D = diag(d)

Identity Matrix :

square matrix that does not change a vector when multiplied. The values of an identity matrix are known. All of the scalar values along the main diagonal (top-left to bottom-right) have the value one, while all other values are zero.

I = np.identity(3)

Orthogonal Matrix:

Two vectors are orthogonal when their dot product equals zero. The length of each vector is 1 then the vectors are called orthonormal because they are both orthogonal and normalized.

v · w = 0
v · wT = 0

An orthogonal matrix is a square matrix whose rows are mutually orthonormal and whose columns are mutually orthonormal. A matrix is orthogonal if its transpose is equal to its inverse. Multiplication by an orthogonal matrix preserves lengths.

Matrix Operations

  • Transpose
  • Inverse
  • Trace

A trace of a square matrix is the sum of the values on the main diagonal of the matrix (top-left to bottom-right).


The determinant of a square matrix is a scalar representation of the volume of the matrix.


The rank of a matrix is the estimate of the number of linearly independent rows or columns in a matrix.

Source: Victor lavrenko youtube PCA :

  1. Curse of dimensionality With increase in dimensions, the density of data decrease sharply. Leading to sparse data. for eg if we have 3 regions/groups/classes in 1D, they become 3**2 in 2D and so on.

  2. Dealing with high dimensionality

  • Domain knowledge.

  • Make assumptions about dimensions

    • Independence : (like naive bayes) that they are independent and treat each dimension/feature independently.
    • Smoothness : Nearby regions in space should have similar distrubutions of classes.
    • Symmetry : aka exchangability, means order of attributes/dimenasion doesn't matter. ie x1 low and x2 high is same as x1 high and x2 low.
  • Reduce the dimensionality of data Create a new set of smaller dimensions.

Dimesionality reduction goals :

  • Try to preserve as much "structure" in the data as possible. Any kind of "structure" useful for classification/regression. Structure is usually variance of data.


  • Pick the dimension with highest variance.

How to get the pricipal components :

  • Centre(not scale it?) the data (subtract the mean from each data point). So that the origin is in the centre of data cloud.
  • Compute the covariance matrix (Sigma) of dimeansions x1 and x2
  • do x1 and x2 increase together (+ve covariance)
  • or x2 decrease as x1 increase (-ve covariance)
  • or x1 decrease as x2 increase (-ve covariance)
  • None of the above (no covariace)

Covariance Matrix :

x1 x2

x1 2.0 0.8

x2 0.8 0.6

variance of x1 = 2.0
variance of x2 = 0.6
covariance x1/x2 = 0.8 (x1 and x2 increase together) covariance x2/x1 = 0.8

cov(a,b) = 1/n Σ(i=1,n)[xia*xib] (observe there is no subtraction of mean from xia or xib as data is centred)

n = no. of samples.

xia = ath feature in ith sample.
xib = bth feature in ith sample.

Covarinace = 1/n Σ(xi – µx )(yi - µi )

Variance (σ2) = 1/n Σ(i=1,n)[xi - µ ]2

standard deviation (σ) = The square root of the variance is known as the standard deviation.


Now take any vectore in feature space and multiply it by covariance matrix repeatedly, it’s direction will ultimately converge to the direction of eigen vector.